I have been on my fair share of trips,domestic and international, despite my age. I briefly blogged as an assignment while studying French in France in May, but now I am doing a blog on my own as a professor who is like an advisor to me suggested. This in itself will be a new journey. The background picture is a personal photograph of Carcassonne, France, taken this past May.
To begin with, I will explain the URL. "Voyageuse du monde" is French for a female traveller of the world. I am been studying French for several years now and the language means a lot to me. One of my minors in college is French. Until May 2012, France is the only country I have been to more than once.
Other countries I have been are Tanzania and Spain with layovers in Denmark and Germany. In May 2012, I will be returning to Tanzania.
I am still trying decide if I want to begin with going back and writing about my previous trips because I have the journals from them or if I should just start from my current point in time. The problem with starting with my current point in time is, for me it is impossible for me to not make connections with previous experiences.
I have just started the book "Travel as a Political Act" by Rick Steves, and only a chapter in has proved interesting.